Contents for the website: unfortunately we do not have a content writer in house thus we request that all texts for the website be provided by the client and we will input all contents as provided to us. However, we are here to help you sauce a g good content writer if you need one.

Images: when building the draft version of the website we will source and use royalty free images, however if you’d like us to change those you will need to provide the images desired instead. This offer also doesn’t include the purchase of paid images.

Domain and Hosting: we will be happy to advise on both the domain and hosting, yet this offer doesn’t include the purchase of the domain and third party hosting on your behalf. We do include 3-6 months of free hosting on our shared hosting packages but regardless of who you choose to host with we will also be happy to do all the set-up for you (domain and hosting linking & configuration) once you’ve made the purchase.

Custom Mobile and Tablet versions: Although full mobile and tablet optimisation is included within the package, this optimisation takes the form of optimising the desktop version of the design to be fully responsive (and we also test it). It does not include a fully custom redesign separately for the mobile and tablet versions (i.e. the structure and order of sections, as well as the images and texts used will be the same for all devices)

Ongoing Support: Once the website is completed and migrated to your hosting, as such there is no further support included within the package. Still, at the end we are happy to provide a few detailed screen recordings showing how to make edits to the website, and should you have any difficulties we will be just an email away. However please note, for major edits after completion charges will apply. Finally, we will also be happy to offer an ongoing ongoing support/maintenance package tailored to your needs!

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